FPSC Test Syllabus Lecturer Pakistan Studies

 FPSC Test Syllabus Lecturer Pakistan Studies

English =20 marks
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structure

Professional Test = 30 marks
Teaching Techniques and Methodology
Classroom Management and Discipline
Testing and Evaluation
Development of Education in Pakistan

Part-II for Pakistan Studies
Subject Test = 50 marks (Masters Level)

Ideology of Pakistan in light of speeches and statements of Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam
Pakistan Movement 1857-1947
Key Personalities in Pakistan Movement
Current Issues of Pakistan (challenges to National
Security, Economic Challenges, Pakistan’s War on
Terror, Pakistan’s Energy problems and their effects)
The Kashmir Issue
Geography of Pakistan
Land and People of Pakistan
Pakistan and Islamic World,
Pakistan role in the region
Pakistan’s Relations with UNO and its Agencies
Pakistan and its Neighbouring Countries. (China,
India, Iran and Afghanistan,
Language and Cultural Heritage of Pakistan,
Natural Resources of Pakistan,
Economic Development of Pakistan,
Recent Constitutional and Legal debates, Latest Constitutional Amendments,