FPSC Lecturer Computer Science Physics Sociology Syllabus 2017

FPSC Lecturer Computer Science Physics Sociology Syllabus 2017

English =20 marks
Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structure

Professional Test = 30 marks
Teaching Techniques and Methodology
Classroom Management and Discipline
Testing and Evaluation
Development of Education in Pakistan

Part-II for Lecturer Computer Science
Subject Test = 50 marks (Masters Level)
Computer Hardware/Software,Data Communication & Networking,
C/C++ Language, Visual Basic, Operating System Unix/Linux Windows XP, 2000, Oracle/PLSQL,
System Analysis & Design, Web Programming,

Part-II for Lecturer Physics
Subject Test = 50 marks (Masters Level)
Mechanics, Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves and Optics, Electrostatic, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern and Quantum Physics, Nuclear Physics, Basic Solid State Physics,

Part-II for Lecturer Sociology
Meaning, Characteristics and Elements of Culture
Society: Meaning and Characteristics
Social Contract Theory & Organismic Theory
Sociological Theories (Ibn-i-Khaldun, Spencer, Max
Weber, Karl Marx)
Methods of Sociological Research,
Social Institutions: Nature, Genesis & Function
Mechanism of Social Control: Formal & Informal
Social and Cultural Change & Social Policy:
Processes & Effects
Community organization and development
Social Problems in Pakistan