Bio Medical Admission Test BMAT Syllabus Sample Practice MCQs Questions

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is an admissions test for applicants to Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biomedical Science and Dentistry courses at certain universities. 
BMAT is a 2-hour, pen-and-paper test divided into three sections.

Section 1: Aptitude and Skills
(Problem Solving,Understanding Argument, Data Analysis & Inference)
35 multiple-choice questions are given and this section duration is 60 minutes.

Sample Question:
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released data from
a study of 15 year olds in the principal industrialised countries. It shows unequivocally that
teenage students whose parents discuss political or social issues with them, either weekly or
daily, score 28 points higher at reading (on average) than those whose parents discuss these
issues less often or not at all. Other factors were also associated with better reading ability:
discussing books or television programmes, eating main meals together at a table and spending
time talking to children. Discussing news and serious issues showed the strongest association,
so if parents spend time discussing these issues with their children they will help their children
read well.
Which of the following best expresses the flaw in the argument above?
A It implies that discussing serious issues with parents is more influential than discussion with a peer group.
B  It assumes that eating meals together at a table is practical in all households.
C  It fails to consider teenagers in rural countries.
D  It does not show why reading ability is so important in a teenager's development.
E  It suggests a causal relationship between discussion and reading.

Section 2: Scientific Knowledge and Applications

(Biology, Physics, Math, Chemistry)
In this section of test 27 multiple-choice questions are given and test duration of this section is 30 minutes.

Sample Question:
Azurite is a mineral made up of a mixture of CuCO3and Cu(OH)2.
Which one of the following is a possible formula of azurite?
A  Cu3CH4O4
B  Cu3CH4O5
C  Cu3CH4O6
D  Cu3C2H2O6
E  Cu3C2H2O7
F  Cu3C2H2O8

Section 3: Writing Task
Questions will provide a short proposition and may require candidates to:
explain or discuss the proposition's implications;
suggest a counter proposition or argument;
suggest a (method for) resolution.
One writing task from a choice of four questions is given and time duration is 30 minutes.

Sample Question Writing Task:
"There is something attractive about people who don't regard their own health and
longevity as the most important things in the world." (Alexander Chancellor)
Explain what this statement means. Argue that nothing is more important than one's own health
and longevity. To what extent do you agree with Alexander Chancellor