1.Dr. Abdus Salam got noble prize in 1979
2.Venus is the brightest planet
3.Burma was the old name of Myanmar
4.Chip is the small integrated system
5.Harare is the capital of Zimbabwe
6.percentage of oxygen in earth's atmosphere?Oxygen 21%
7.%age of Agriculture in gdp of pkaistan?21%
8.Father of Barrack Hussain Obama is a Kenyan by nationality
9.Pakistan GDP growth rate 3.7%
10.The planet with the shortest day: Jupiter
11.Strait of Gibraltar separates Spain and Morocco
12. which of the following is a land locked country?
13.Tehrir Square is located in:
14.Bin Ghazi is the city of:
15.Which is the sect of President of Syria Bashar-ul-Asad?
16.Theory of relativity was presented by:
Albert Ian stein
17.Isaac Newton Presented:
Laws of Gravitation and motion
18.Isaac Newton belonged to:
19.Sputnik was launched on 4th October, 1957
20.Composition of Alcheme was written by Jabar Bin Hayyan
21.Qanoon ul Tibb written by Ibn-e-Sina
22.14 martyred in the Battle of Badr
23.Air Comrade is the highest rank among the rest
24.Company with more cash reserves than usa govt ( microsoft)
25.Head Quarter of WTO (new york)
26.Head Quarter  of international court OF Justice (the haughe)
27.Meaning of defacto ( result, as a fact)
28.38th parallel line ( S and N Korea)
29.origin of lake niLe?
30.The biggest hydel power generating plant in which country?China
31. christopher columbus belonged to which county?Itali
32. pythagorus belonged to which country?Greec
33. railway service started in india?1851
34.mount everest named after everet was a?
35. meaning of faux pas?
36 .meaing of carte blanche?
37. coldest planet?
38. tolstoy wrote which book?
39 .russian revolution started in which month?
40. secretary general of uno belongs to which country?
41.circumference of earth?
42 .deepest point of pacific ocean?
43. captain of pakistan's team which beat england in 1954?
44 .book of allama iqbal which was in persian but was tranlated into urdu on great demand?
45. chile shares longest coastal border with?
46. law of heridity?
47 .strait between malaysia and indonesia?
48 .which strait seperates spain and morrocco?
49 .turnip is a kind of root?
50. paediatrics means?
51. longest river in which continent?
52. lowari pass joins?
53 .mountain kilimanjaro in which country?
54. when first international flight from pakistan?
55. who and imf came into being in result of which agreement?
56 .which device which is when pressed encode word on screen is?
57. which company has more cash than USA?
58. how much senate increased debt limit of usa government?
59 .parliament of israel?
60. pakistan won first olympic medal
61 .who invented dynamite?
62. father of modern science?
63 .civilisation of babylon was in which country?
64 .mayanmar's old name was?

65 .atmosphere layer nearest to earth?

66 .shape of miLkyway?

67 .alchemy was written by?

68. time computer takes to reach its data is called?
69. who wrote book indian muslims?
70. primeminsiter at the time when ayub took over?
71. name the person not present in first cabinet of pakistan?
72 .which river has blind dolphin?
73 .special envoy of USA to Afghanistan n Pakistan?
74. name of indian atomic operation?
45 .asian drama written by?
76. koljik pass connects which cities?
77. cheapest source of energy?
78. which player twice won grand slam?
79. point farthest from karachi on coastal highway?
80 .highest rank in airforce
81. railway started in india?
82 .beman airways belong to?
83 .the process of sun heating the earth?
84 .time taken by sun light to reach earth?
85. mixture of metals is called?
86. insuLin is produced by?
87. which of them was not present in management of punjab when british took over?
88 Binghazi is city of?
89 fifth pillar means?
90. when christians conquest Granada?