CSS Arabic Syllabus

Revised Scheme and Syllabus for CSS Competitive Examination-2016
A. Pre-Islamic period
1. Influence of poets and poetry in Jahiliia period.

2. Literary markets in pre-Islamic ArabsespeciallyUkkaz
3. Purposes and features of pre- Islamic poetry special reference to Mu’allaqat.
B. Dawn of Islam
1. Eloquence and Rhetoric of Holy Quran with examples from Quranic verses.
2. Impact of Quran and Hadith on the subsequent literature.
3. Poetry at the Dawn of Islam
C. Umayyad Period
1. Art of Flyting
2. Erotic and platonic ghazal
D. Abbasid and Spanish Period
1. Purposes and features of Abbasid poetry with special emphasis on the poetry of Mutanabbi,
Abu Tammam, Abu Nuwas, AbulAtahia
2. Prose and its different styles with special emphasis on style of IbnulAmeed, IbnulMuqaffa,
Al-Jahiz and Al-Qazi al Fazil.
3. Spanish poetry, with special reference to poetry of Ibn e Zaidoon
E. Contemporary Arabic literature
1. Development of Drama with special focus on services of Toufeeq al Hakeem
3. Development of Novel with special reference to the novels of Taha Husain and
4. Development of short story with special focus on short stories of MahmoodTaimoor
5. Poetry with special focus on poetry of Ahmad Shouqi and Hafiz Ibraheem

F. Common Topics of different periods
1. Criticism from pre-Islamic era to the 4th Islamic Century
2. Art of Oratory from pre-Islamic era to Umayyad period
3. Development of Arabic literature in the Sub-Continent: (Ghulam Ali Azad in poetry
and Shah WaliUllah in prose)
G. Poetry for Arabic paper
1. Verses from ode of ImraulQais (1-10)
2. Verses fromQaseedah of Zuhair bin AbiSulma (50-62).
3. Verses from poetry of Hassan bin Thabit (14-28)
4. Verses from poetry of Ka’b bin Zuhair (33-40)
5. Verses from poetry of Hafiz Ibrahim (1-10)
6. Verses from ode of Ahmad Shouqi(1-10)
7. Verses from Qaseedah of Imam Al Booseri (15-24)
H. Arabic Grammar
1. Syntax :Kinds of Sentence (Nominal and Verbal), kinds of Noun (“Proper and
Common”, “Masculine and Feminine”, “Singular, Dual and Plural”, “Mu’rab and
Mabni”), Case-Ending.
2. Morphology :Etymology (roots), Mujarrad, Mazeed-feeh, Transitive and
Intransitiveverb, Active and passive voice.