Socialogy Paper 1

Socialogy Paper 1
Sociology Solved Questions Answers MCQs Test

1 When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called:
    Interview guide

2) Power that people consider legitimate is known as:

3) Social Structure of a society is the network of:
    Institutional relations

4) WID approach believes in:
    Incorporating women in development activities

5) Geronotology is the study of:
     Aged and Aging

6) The most pervasive of the social processes are:

7) Abstract Sentiments are:
    Provide a focus for allegiance

8) The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:
     Drive psychology

9) The country with better record for gathering population statistics then any other is:

10) The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

11) Stratified samples fall under:
       Probability sampling design

12) Egoistic, the special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkheim spring from:
       Excessive individualism

13) A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:
       Max Weber

14) A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common area is known as: 

15) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:

16) In theoretical field social research aims at:
       identifying delinquent behavior Organizing social data

18) Independent variables are:
      Experimental Groups

19) Qualitative Data Means:
      Expressed in words

20) A Likert scale emphasizes

21) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called
       Interview Schedule 

22) Endogamy is the marriage among certain relatives.

23) ----------- Is the process by which people learn all patterns of
     social life.

24) According to ------- all societies across the world are stratified.

25) Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called ------

26) A family consisting of step relations is called :
      Extended family 

27) Power that people consider legitimate is known as

28) Mugging, rape and burglary are examples of ------- crimes.
       general crimes

29) A norm is always enforced by sanctions.

30) Society is the largest and most complex group that sociologists study.

31) Social structure of a society is the network of -------------
      Compliance to norms

32) Polygamy means ------------------

      Several Marriages 

33) Demography means -------------:
      Human Population

34) ------------ is striving for equal treatment of women and men and for abolishing inequality.:

35) WID approach believes in:
       Incorporating women in development activities 

36) Is Pakistan a signatory of CEDAW?

37) Symbolic behavior of a person means ------------
      Meaningful behavior